The days of charging electrical devices through cords and cables are passé. Instead of physical cables, wireless charging employs an electromagnetic field to transfer energy between a specially designed charging pad and your device. The electromagnetic fields generated are similar in strength to those produced by other household appliances like microwaves and mobile phones and are just as safe. However, some people are still skeptical to embrace this technology due to potential dangers associated with it – the most prominent one being overheating.
In case of malfunctioning due to a manufacturing defect or otherwise, a wireless charger or your device itself could overheat and cause a fire hazard. To prevent potential overheating, it is important to use a wireless charger that has been tested and certified for safety and connect it to a high-quality charging cable. Modern wireless chargers are carefully designed to dissipate the heat generated quickly and effectively. Look out for wireless chargers with built-in temperature sensors that automatically turn off if it detects an abnormally high temperature. To reduce the risks of overheating, ensure that the device being charged is not being covered by anything that may trap heat – like a case or a blanket, and avoid charging your devices in high temperature environments, like a car on a hot summer day – yes, that Instagram post can wait till you get home!
Aside from being a potential fire hazard, the electromagnetic radiation from wireless chargers may be a cause of health concern to some. A quick google search will tell you that exposure to EMF radiation, especially over a long period of time, can lead to serious health problems, such as DNA damage and oxidative stress. But let us – or better yet, let the World Health Organization (WHO) put your worries to rest. The energy levels at which wireless chargers operate are well below international guidelines for safe exposure. As the capabilities of wireless chargers grow into more complex models that can charge over longer distances, the EMF radiation can be expected to intensify, but for now, rest easy and charge easy.
Lastly, wireless charging can be affected by other electronic devices or materials that may interfere with its electromagnetic field, so say goodbye to your metal and magnetic phone cases – at least while your device is being charged.
Our final verdict? Given WHO’s stamp of approval, there’s nothing so far to suggest that wireless chargers are dangerous to use or harmful to human health. Just follow the manufacturer’s instructions while using your wireless charging device, and you’re good to go.